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Tag: pollen

Q-Tips:  Hoping for rain?

Q-Tips:  Hoping for rain?

As tempting as it is to let nature turn your yellow car back to its original color, gentle precipitation is not only not strong enough to physically remove those tiny pollen specks, but water can actually activate or intensify its acidity!  Soapy water however, binds to and neutralizes its pain damaging potential.

Oh boy kids!  Guess what you get to do today!?!

Quick Tips – Pollen and dogs

Quick Tips – Pollen and dogs

Remember that if you open your windows, even briefly, during our clement spring days, it takes 24-36 hours of HVAC circulation to filter the air back to “indoor quality.”

To reduce the tracking in of pollen on dog feet, have them dip their paws in a pan of water and dry them off as they return from their “potty sorties.”

Quick Tips – Pollen

Quick Tips – Pollen

During the spring the yellow green carpet of pollen is primarily from the pine and oak trees. The pine pollen is very large and easily seen, but it is the tiny oak pollen that stays airborne longer that causes most of the allergic misery.