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Tag: Pepcid

Chronic PPI Use and Asthma

Chronic PPI Use and Asthma

New research shows that prolonged use of proton pump inhibitors (PPI’s) can increase the risk for developing asthma.  PPI’s are the “drugs of choice” for esophageal reflux, gastritis and gastric ulcers.  But their long-term use impacts the gut microbiome which in turn can cause immune dysregulation.  It is this “tilting” of immune function that increases the risk for asthma.  Prolonged use of PPI’s by women during pregnancy also increases the risk for their child to develop asthma. 

One strategy to lessen this risk is to use the PPI to gain control of the problem and then segue to an H2 antihistamine such as Pepcid (famotidine).